Because quality counts whatever we do!
ISO 9001 – quality management system certified since 1995
This standard covers the quality management system internationally accepted to control the legal clarity, documented and transparent processes, increased customer satisfaction, optimised business processes, minimised risks and continuous improvement of a company’s quality.
EN 1090-1 EXC 4 – certified since 2012
Top category for making steel and aluminium structures
ÖNORM EN 1090 is the most recently amended standard regarding steel and aluminium structures. Every structure and component belongs to one of four EXCs (Execution Classes) from EXC 1 (simple) to EXC 4 (complex) with reference to the potential risk in case of failure as dependent on the type of in-use stress and the complexity of manufacture. The higher the class, the stricter the quality requirements of structure execution, the number and training of welding supervisors and the documentation.
EN 1090-2 EXC 4, EN 1090-3 EXC 4
EN 15085-2 CL 1 – certified since 2010 (initial DIN 6700 certification in 2000)
Highest execution class for the welding of rail vehicles and components
Rail vehicles bear a high risk potential and are a matter of public concern. EN 15085 is an acknowledged rule of technology in this field and the essential reference when it comes to welding metal materials for making and repairing rail vehicles and components. Depending on the safety relevance of the components or parts that the welded part integrates in, there are four weld seam quality grades (CP A to CP D) breaking down into four certification levels (CL 1, CL 2, CL 3, CL 4), where CL 1 is a generic container of the lower levels CL 2 to CL 4. Falling back on certified conformity with DIN 6700 (parent to EN 15085) since 2000, ESTET can thus offer decades of experience in line with the standard.
ISO 17660-1 – certified since 2016
Qualification of concrete steel welding manufacturers
This globally acknowledged standard applies to the welding of both weldable and stainless concrete steels for load-bearing welds in companies and on site. It also covers joints between concrete steel bars and other steel components such as connecting elements and mountings, including prefabricated mounting parts.
ISO 3834-2 – certified since 2007 (initial ÖNORM M 7812 certification in 1993)
Welding quality management
This internationally accepted guideline supersedes ÖNORM M 7812 and certifies the quality management regarding a supplier’s welding competence. Systematically identifying the factors influencing the quality of welded connections as well as the measures taken to ensure that welded products are made perfectly define the applicable management system
ISO 45001 – certified since 1997 (initial BS OHSAS 18001)
Occupational health and safety Management System
The safety and health of all our personnel are a point of our particular concern. Reducing risks and occupational accidents to a minimum means methodically processing occupational health and safety legislation and preventive options and systematically integrating them into everyday working life. The changeover from BS OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001 in 2021 was the logical step and confirms our efforts to protect the safety and health of our employees, especially at work, as the highest good.
ISO 14001:2015 – certified since 2024
Management for environmental protection
This certification underlines our sense of ecological responsibility and confirms our increasing commitment to environmental technology.
Together with our customers, we are shaping a sustainable future and demonstrating that environmental protection is not only an obligation, but also an opportunity for growth and innovation.
The latest ISO 14001 certification confirms our company motto "with the environment for the environment" and affirms our commitment to the responsible use of our resources.
RVS 15.05.11 Factory approval - certified since 2020
Corrosion Protection Steel and Aluminium Structures
S1, S4, S9A, S9B, S9C, S13, S14, S15, S16
Approved system group according to RVS 15.05.11/2018: SGW1
ANKO Suitability Assessment
Listed in the Austrian Register of Tenderers (ANKO) pursuant to Art. 70,5 and Art. 231,5 of the BVergG 2006 (Federal Austrian Procurement Act), as amended, and pursuant to ONR 12051 and Directives 2014/24/EU and 2014/25/EU.

is an absolute priority for me.
Mediocrity is not an option when it comes to quality."
Head of welding technology | Quality assurance

“I conduct thorough inspections based on our company-internal test plans, which are created individually for every order according to the applicable standard and the customer requirement.
My ultimate goal is to ensure that only flawless products leave our plant.”